Through our partnership with Albany State University, our current laboratory facility features an automated solvent extraction system, a rapid solvent evaporator, gas generators, a UV-vis, and a gas chromatograph (Figures 1-5) along with routine and standard equipment and supplies. The automated solvent extraction system and a rapid solvent evaporator have several advantages: reduction of sample preparation time, reduction of solvent consumption, minimization of sample loss and cross contamination, lowering of long-term operating costs, and reduction of occupational exposure of toxic solvent fumes. Improving efficiency in workflow allows for quick batch processing of samples. Approximately 20 samples can be processed in less that 4 hours whereas previous outdated methods would take up to 3 weeks to fully process 20 samples. The outcome is an efficient, cost-effect system for high-throughput toxicological research and for integration into classroom research. Thus, we are set up for wet-chemical procedures such as extraction of organic compounds from environmental and biological matrices.
Figure 1. The ASE Dionex™ ASE™ 350 Accelerated Solvent Extractor allows for unattended extraction of up to 24 samples and uses 50 to 90% less solvent compared to other methods.
Figure 2. The Rocket Synergy™ Evaporator can evaporate solvent in upwards of 20 minutes for the Gas chromatogram (GC) with minimal sample contamination.
Figure 3. The Thermo Scientific™ TRACE™ 1310 Gas Chromatograph with a TriPlus™ RSH Autosampler allows for smaller sample amounts, greater precision and accuracy of results, and reduced gas usage. The GC is outfitted with flame ionization (FID) and electron capture detectors (ECD) which are sufficient for general screening analysis and preliminary identification.
Figure 4. The QIAxpert System can quantify nucleic acids from up to 16 samples in less than 2 minutes.

Figure 5. Finally, the lab uses nitrogen, hydrogen, compressed air, and zero air gas generators for the GC. The compact, space-saving modular design eliminates the need for heavy, bulky cylinders.